Probes for Ozone

Professional ozone probes


Ozone (O3) is a powerful oxidizing agent used in water treatment including the oxidation of organic chemicals. SEKO's professional ozone probes are a trusted solution for industry professionals worldwide.


Ozone is currently the second most widely used disinfectant for drinking water after chlorine, although its use is almost exclusively limited to industrial countries that have efficient water networks.


Therefore, it is used to pretreat the source of water at the origin and subsequently allow chlorination with a lower dose of chlorine in the distribution system.


Although ozonation has the power to effectively disinfect water, this method is not suitable for most applications in developing countries due to the high cost and the need for maintenance infrastructure.

feature image


Ozone probe

Diğer Modeller

Probes for Ozone

Probes for Temperature

Probes for Suspended Solids

Probe Holders

Probes for ORP

Probes for Electrical Conductivity

Probes for Inductive conductivity

Probes for Dissolved Oxygen

Probes for Chlorine

Probes for Peracetic Acid

Probes for Hydrogen Peroxide

Probes for Bromine

Probes for Turbidity

Probes for pH

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  • Measurement range: 0 – 2 ppm / 0 – 5 ppm / 0 – 10 ppm
  • pH range: 2 – 11
  • Operating temp: 0 – 45°C
  • Pressure range: 0 – 1 bar
  • Flow rate: approx 30 l/h
  • Body material: PVC-U, SS 1.4571
  • Electrode: Silver chloride with gold
  • Membrane: PTFE
  • Electrical connection: cable not included
  • Connector: two-pole terminal